Andrea Bizzarri, born in Bologna in 1974, performed the high studies at the Liceo Scientifico Statale " Enrico Fermi "  of Bologna ( Sezione E ).

The 21.XI.1991, because of the marks ( global mean of 9/10, unique in the Lieco ) obtained during the Scolar Year 1990 - 1991 ( third class ), the " Gian Luca Giusti " Prize was conferred to him, prize attributed to the student with the global mean highest in the whole School. In 1991 was selected between students of all Italian High Schools to participate at the II Corso Nazionale di Orientamento Pre - Universitario, held in Ostuni ( BR ) and organized by the Centro Nazionale per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo dei Materiali ( C.N.R.S.M. ) of Mesagne ( BR ). In December 1993, because of the marks ( global mean between 9/10 and 10/10, unique in the Liceo ) obtained during the Scolar Year 1992 - 1993 ( fourth class ) he received one of a hundred study grants 1992 - 1993 allocated for merit reasons by the Banca Popolare of Emilia Romagna, attributed to the students of High School of the Region Emilia Romagna.

In 1993 he achieved at the Liceo " Enrico Fermi " the diploma di Maturità Scientifica, with points 60 / 60.

Iscribed at the Corso di Laurea in Physics at the Università degli Studi of Bologna, the 16.VII.1998 he obtained, in this Atheneum, the grade of Doctor in Physics, with points 110 / 110, cum laude. He discussed the research thesis in Theoretical Seismology, titled " Dinamica dei processi di fagliazione: simulazione dei meccanismi di frattura durante un terremoto " ( litteral translation in English: " Dynamics of the faulting processes: simulation of rupture mechanisms during an earthquake " ), having as relator Prof. Enzo Boschi, Full Professor of Theoretical Seismology at the University of Bologna and having as co - relator Dr. Massimo Cocco, Head Researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica ( I.N.G., now Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia ( I.N.G.V. ) ). In this work, released at the I.N.G., the descriptions of nucleation, propagation and arrest phenomena within a 2 - D crack had been studied and compared, with the application of the slip - weakening governing equation on one side and of the three rate -  and state - dependent friction laws ( Dieterich - Ruina ) on other side. Finally, preliminar results on 3 - D fully dynamic problem had been presented.

    The 19.V.2000 he exceeded the Public Competition for the admission to the Physics Doctorate in Geophysics 1999 - 2000, XV cycle, advertised by the Università degli Studi di Bologna. In this Competition he was the first classifyied, the unique with the mark of 120 / 120 ( he got 60 / 60 ( unique ) in the written examination and 60 / 60 in the oral examination ).

The 26.XI.2002 he won the Public Competition for qualifications and exams for the assumption at indefinite time of n. 22 positions of Researcher - III Livello Retributivo at the I.N.G.V. ( Decreto del Presidente n. 146 of the 24.VII.2002, published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 64 of the 13.VIII.2002 ). He was the first classified with points 81.20 / 100 ( unique ) in the Public Competition for n. 1 position of Researcher - III Livello Retributivo in the Scientific Area of " Meccanica delle Faglie " ( Results published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 19 of the 7.III.2003 ). Official engage since 1°.IX.2003.

At the moment he studies the theoretical modelling of processes characterizing the rupture phenomenon, with a particular interest in the stages of nucleation, propagation, arrest and healing. He studies the solutions of the fully spontaneous, dynamic problem, with the introduction within the fault surface of different constitutive equations ( slip - weakening, rate - and state - dependent friction laws, etc. ), utilizing different  numerical techniques of solutions ( Boundary Integral Equation, Finite Differences, Finite Elements ) and various integration methods ( Rosembrok stiff integration, Runge - Kutta method, etc. ). A special stress is on the convergency and stability conditions of the obtained numerical solutions, as well as on the limits of applicability of the numerical algorithms. He studies the slip complexity phenomenon on the faults and the rule and the effects of the presence of spatial heterogeneities in the constitutive parameters in the theoretical models.

    He is also interested in the fault interaction and the triggering processes over various time ranges, by using spring - slider with one degree of freedom models and by applying different constitutive laws. The stress perturbation to the causative fault are both analytical ( step, pulse and their compination ) and numerical ( synthetic stressgrams ).

     Finally, he implement, develp and optimize numerical codes for the solution of the foundamental elastodynamic equation for problem of various dimensionality.


Well - known Foreign Languages: English, French.



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