Volcanoes & hydrothermal fluids


  1. Todesco M. (1997). Origin of fumarolic fluids at Vulcano (Italy). Insights from isotope data and numerical modeling of hydrothermal circulation. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 79, pag. 63-85.

  2. Baxter P.J., Neri A. e Todesco M. (1998). Physical modeling and human survival in pyroclastic flows. Natural Hazards, 17, 163-176.

  3. Todesco M., Neri A., Esposti Ongaro T., Papale P., Macedonio G., Santacroce R. e Longo A., (2002) Pyroclastic flow hazard at Vesuvius from numerical modelling. I. Large scale dynamics. Bull. Volcanol., 64, 155-177.

  4. Esposti Ongaro T., Neri A., Todesco M., Macedonio G., (2002) Pyroclastic flow hazard at Vesuvius from numerical modelling. II. Analysis of local flow variables. Bull. Volcanol., 64, 178-191.                  

  5. Todesco M., Chiodini  G. e Macedonio G. (2003) Monitoring and modeling hydrothermal fluid emission at La Solfatara (Phlegrean Fields, Italy). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 125, 57-79.

  6. Chiodini G., Todesco M., Caliro S., Del Gaudio C., Macedonio G. e Russo M. (2003) Magma degassing as a trigger of braydseismic events: the case of Phlegrean Fields (Italy). Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (8), 1434-1438.

  7. Todesco M. e Todini E. (2004) Volcanic eruptions and flood hazard in the Vesuvian area. Nat. Hazard, 33, 223-245.

  8. Todesco M., Rutqvist J., Chiodini G., Pruess K., e Oldenburg C. M. (2004) Modeling of recent volcanic episodes at Phlegrean Fields (Italy): geochemical variations and ground deformation. Geothermics, 33,531-547.

  9. Todesco M., e Berrino G. (2005), Modeling hydrothermal fluid circulation and gravity signals at the Phlegraean Fields caldera, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett., 240, 328-338.

  10. Morhange C., Marriner N., Laborel J., Todesco M. and Oberlin C. (2006) Rapid lea-level movements and noneruptive crustal deformations in the Phlegrean Fields caldera, Italy, Geology, February 2006, 34 (2), 93–96; doi: 10.1130/G21894.1

  11. Todesco M., Neri A., Esposti Ongaro T., Papale P., Rosi M., (2006) Pyroclastic flow hazard in a caldera setting: application to Phlegrean Fields (Italy). Geochem. Geophys. Geosys., 7, 11, Q11003, doi:10.1029/2006GC001314

  12. Todesco M. (2009) Signals from the Campi Flegrei hydrothermal system: the role of a “magmatic” source of fluids. (in press) Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.114, B05201, doi:10.1029/2008JB006134,

  13. Rinaldi A. P., Todesco M., Bonafede M. (in press) Hydrothermal instability and ground displacement at the Campi Flegrei caldera. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2009.09.005

Volcanoes I’ve been working on:



Campi Flegrei

Colli Albani

Teide (Tenerife)

Here are some publication on these volcanoes:

Right now...

it’s Campi Flegrei, again.

Old passions never die