Who  is  Andrea  Bizzarri


" ... et fiat mundi confusa ruina. "

Lucrezio, De rerum natura, VI, v. 607


Andrea Bizzarri was born in Bologna in 1974.

In 1993 he achieved at the Liceo Scientifico Statale " Enrico Fermi " of Bologna the diploma of Maturità Scientifica, with points 60 / 60.

The 16.VII.1998 he took at the Università degli Studi of Bologna the degree in Physics, with marks 110 / 110 cum laude, having with relator the Professor Enzo Boschi.

Since the 1°.VI.1999 he is Researcher of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia ( I.N.G.V. ). He has also worked at the Università degli Studi of Bologna ( Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia - Sector of Geophysics ).

In March 2003 he got at the Università degli Studi of Bologna the Ph.D. degree in Geophysics.

Andrea Bizzarri is a Theoretical Seismologist.


Extended Curriculum Vitae



Sezione di Bologna

Via Donato Creti, 12

40128 Bologna


tel. +39 051 4151432

fax +39 051 4151499

e - mail: andrea.bizzarri@ingv.it